President’s Message

Gary Albers

August 2021

Welcome back! Here’s hoping this season is a little closer to normal. The season is scheduled to start on Saturday October
15th and wrap up on Friday March 31st. A full list of planned events is included in the membership package. First up,
following a 2‐year absence is the Swing and Sweep on October 15th.

The vaccine mandates we operated under last year are no longer in place. Your Board recommends and encourages everyone eligible to get vaccinated, but it is no longer mandatory. As well, the wearing of a mask in the indoor common areas (dressing rooms, lounge) is recommended but not mandatory. Physical distancing is still encouraged, but we will revert to normal play, with all 3 sheets starting play from the home end. We will of course monitor for any updated guidance or requirements from our Health Unit and make any required changes.

You will notice an increase in fees across the board. As noted at our Spring meeting this is required to offset significant increases to our costs. In setting the fees we are projecting an increase in membership closer to pre‐Covid levels. Most of our costs are fixed and the best way for us to hold the line on fees is to increase membership numbers. Everyone can help. Invite your friends and neighbours to come to our Open House on October 16th or sign up for the Learn to Curl program. I would also suggest, that whether you look at the cost per week over a 22‐week season or cost per game, curling in Prescott remains a great value.

I want to thank Dale MacKenzie for his membership and Board work over the past 8 years. Most recently Dale managed the Trillium Grant project last year from preparation of the application to completion of the work. Dale and Susan are moving out of the area and therefore Dale has resigned from the Board. We wish them all the best going forward and will miss both of their contributions.

Our club is only successful with the help of volunteers. Last season, we had too few members doing too much of the
operational work required. We really need more help to avoid burnout of the few. There is an immediate need for someone to keep the grass cut in the off‐season. We need someone with the requisite skills to update content changes to our website. Please contact me or another Board member if you can provide any assistance. Keep in mind that the volunteers that prepare the ice every draw, tend the bar, refill paper towel dispensers, change burnt out bulbs, or work in the kitchen, all pay the same membership dues as everyone else.

Membership fees can be paid by e‐transfer to We also accept debit cards at the club. Of course, cash and cheques are also welcome.

Welcome Back
